Mindless Mumbai is a Photo Blog from Mumbai, India by Kunal Bhatia. Art Architecture Food Street Urban Festivals Travel People Portraits Signs Photojournalism Candid

green leaves & white sky

green leaves and greenery in irla mumbai

today's been a good day. i've got a presentation due on saturday, which i've got to give in by tomorrow morning, so i'm not going to say much / visit any CDP blogs tonight. ciao.
photo clicked while looking up at pappillon restaurant in irla, march 2007. i like the photograph for the stark greenery of the leaves, and the complete whiteness of the sky

9 reactions:

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful image. The vantage point is wonderful and the lush, green leaves are superb.

quintarantino said...

Nice green and beautiful contrast. I'm pretty sure you will make a great presentation.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Very petty shot, nice repeating pattern in the leaves, nice pov and comp.

Matthieu said...

Hope you will create a wonderful work :)

Daniel J Santos said...

With Images

Katie J said...

wonderful contrast - beautiful coloured leaves!

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