Mindless Mumbai is a Photo Blog from Mumbai, India by Kunal Bhatia. Art Architecture Food Street Urban Festivals Travel People Portraits Signs Photojournalism Candid

blowup bombay - a street exhibition of photographs

blind boys street photography exhibition blowup bombay in bandra in mumbai by kunal bhatia

at blowup bombay: a street exhibition of photographs by the blind boys. in their words: Blow-up uses the internet and social media we help you take your pictures, design an improvised exhibition where everyone is invited to come and display their work on the streets together with other photographers

it's a great concept to get people to view and talk about photographs. i printed and pinned up a couple of shots, but felt rather incompetent after seeing the work all around. the three in the photo above were quite keen to carry away some of the photos, but we were a bit too early to do that :p

1 reactions:

Ankit Sood said...

Hey very impressive idea ,i love your style and photographs.
i wil love to join you guys ! i am street photographer + new to mumbai!
you can see my work on www.ankitsoodphotography.weebly.com

Keep it up.and i hoep to see you gusy soon

rant/rave, sing/weep, clap/whack: